
Monday, March 21, 2011


I was about to visit two aged persons in my relations. By relation they will be equal to my granparents. When I saw them 2-3 years back they were in good health, to be able to walk, talk and do everything. But now when I went to see them after about 2-3 years my eyes filled with sympathy for them. They had become much old they could not move easily from one place to another. Their skins had loosened much. Their eyesights had weaken much. What were they for I just thought for a moment, whats their pupose on this earth, they dont have to bring up any more young ones or bring breads for their family. They wake up eat food spent time in some corners and the days pass by reaching them nowere. They are just burdens to their younger generations. Its not their fault, but the natures like that. For a moment I thought about my parents and myself on their place. Our heart gets prayed by seeing such helpless people that who knows that tomorrow we may not have to face such situations. May god protect us all from such aged conditions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well in between the tension of bride selection, I made a visit to Ooty the nearby hill station where I have some of my relatives. It is about 5 hrs journey from here. There was much planning from my family to visit all of us together. But at last decided to visit the place me alone. I have one regret during this visit that is I was refused to take a camera with me by my father fearing that I may lose it. Ha how small I am to lose a camera. It was my pleasure that I got chance to stay a night there. The climate was wonderful, mild cool breezes weaving thats it not much cold. Their house was in a slope side. You could see the beautiful mountains and tea gardens from their balcony. For a moment you dream to settle there. I made up my mind in future I shall have a tea garden and a guest house to stay where I shall to come to spend my vacations with my family. Hmm it looks like a dream but not impossible if there is favor from god I shall surely succeed in fulfilling my dream.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Looking like the most expected thought of marriage is getting longer. So also is arising my needs to control my marriage fantasies and desires. Entering into relationships with women was my dream when my family started to think of marriage. But on the way to it the thing seems impossible in near future as well as the fullfilment of dreams.

Friday, March 11, 2011

the japan trajedy

Today we all heard about a deadliest and devastating news of japan tsunami. First of all lets take a moment to pray for the well being of all residents of japan and those under this fiery. Since who knows that this might not happen on us tomorrow. The most disturbing thing is the burning of nuclear power plant, since one can expect how devastaing it could be if it happens so. So lets turn towards the one who created this land and oceans and all things in it. Lets cry and accept our mistakes to him. For he shall surely show mercy on those who do good.

pennukanal chadangu

Ya today was the yet another annoying and heart breaking episode of bride selection. To say I knew this girl since my college days, though we never had much closer time together. After my college while going through the match site, I found this girl which induced the curiosity in me. I planned with my family to reach her house. Of course for this I had to work a lot to find about her wereabouts. My parents went alone inside her house without me since they consider it to be non traditional that a boy should not see her bride for the first time. Thereafter her younger bro came to see me and went inside again. They my parents came out after a while but nothing much dicided. They had a talk with the girl and informed them that we shall be informing them about our decision. The fun behind this scene is my parents find it hard to accept this relation as they think they being from renowned family might not suite for me. So wat you people say..should you think again before selecting your bride " pennu kanal chadangu"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

searching the bride

I didnot wonder finding a bride for my life could be this annoying. How hard is to find out the right girl for your life. Searching around a lot of peoples trying to match with their trends, attires, status blaa blaaa bla... You know I wondered if I could have only sucsseeded in loving a girl in my college. While trying hard to gain good grades I could have also tried this stuff to not experience this girl search dilemma later. Do you think you have any better option than this. I think its far better to go for a lov marriage than to wait for an arranged. If its good at arranged then I shall surely have to wait and see how good this works. Best luck till then...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the beginner

hi everyone this is my beginning to the blogging world, i invite suggestions and new ideas , hoping for a joyous blogging....