
Friday, March 11, 2011

pennukanal chadangu

Ya today was the yet another annoying and heart breaking episode of bride selection. To say I knew this girl since my college days, though we never had much closer time together. After my college while going through the match site, I found this girl which induced the curiosity in me. I planned with my family to reach her house. Of course for this I had to work a lot to find about her wereabouts. My parents went alone inside her house without me since they consider it to be non traditional that a boy should not see her bride for the first time. Thereafter her younger bro came to see me and went inside again. They my parents came out after a while but nothing much dicided. They had a talk with the girl and informed them that we shall be informing them about our decision. The fun behind this scene is my parents find it hard to accept this relation as they think they being from renowned family might not suite for me. So wat you people say..should you think again before selecting your bride " pennu kanal chadangu"

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